30 Minute Health Check
Cost: FREE!
This is great for you if...
1. You're suffering from a poor relationship with food
2. You're interested in holistic nutrition but aren't 100% sure
3. You're curious about what it means to work with a nutritionist
4. You want to see if we could be a good team to work on your health goals
What is A Health Check?
This session takes place in person or online (via phone or video call).
In this session, I'd like to:
- get to know your goals
- learn more about your health and food history
- chat about your relationship with food
This initial check is really important so I can get to know you and you can get to know me. I like to set clear expectations about what it is to change your food habits. It's also a great time to answer any questions and find out how we can work together.
- unpack where you're at currently with your health
- set priorities, and specific goals and identify the best opportunities for you to make a change in your food habits
- create a personalized roadmap, just for YOU, so you have a clear plan of where to go in your food journey
Why should you get a Health Check?
What Will We do Together?
What a Client Had To Say
YES! It's Free!
There are NO strings attached to this first call. Want to ask questions about holistic nutrition? Skeptical about if nutrition is worth it? Always wanted to have an honest convo about the food you eat? That's what this call is for. It's about cracking open that door and taking the first step in your health journey.
Ideally, you leave this meeting feeling empowered to make a change in your food and nutrition habits. You definitely do NOT have to have everything figured out before you book a call. Honestly, this call is for us to chat and to help you feel grounded in your nutrition journey.
This session should help you feel good about the choice you've made to better your health. And, trust me... it will!